
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Art Explosion Part 2!

Here comes the charcoal! Huzzah.

Some studies done in class:

Relaxing pose.

Full figure, sitting.

Head and hand study, obviously spent more time on the head than the hand.

And now some pieces done for the dreaded Finals!

Obligatory Self Portrait for Heads and Hands Final

My hands and feet!

Portrait of James for Heads and Hands Final

My attempt at Michelangelo's David, in all his superhero proportions. Anatomy Final.

Alright, that's all for now. Working on some more past projects right now, and some new personal ones...Hopefully posting soon!

~Kiira Spectrum

Art Explosion! From the Past!

Alright, so at an ungodly hour, I thought it was a great idea to drag out my camera and shoot some recent and past work I'm happy with.
Annnd here we go!

First some of my very first oil paintings I did last summer for a still-life painting class:

Typical studies, but I had never used oil paints before, so it was hard!

Thought I'd give myself even more of a challenge and do a shower still-life.

Metal reflections. The bane of my existence.

Hey! Let's do an all white composition! I know..let's...not. Please?

One more coming soon, as soon as I find it...

<3Kiira Spectrum

Monday, April 27, 2009

Speed Painting

Speed painting in class this morning.
An action shot from Kingdom of Heaven.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Art work so far..

These are some pieces I've done in past semesters for school.
More to come obviously! Heh.

Digital painting screen cap in photoshop! "Uh-oh"

Ink illustration done for my perspective class.

Ink illustration done for my perspective class.

Eye study done in charcoal and conte crayon.

Portrait done in oil.

Portrait done in oil.