
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Art work so far..

These are some pieces I've done in past semesters for school.
More to come obviously! Heh.

Digital painting screen cap in photoshop! "Uh-oh"

Ink illustration done for my perspective class.

Ink illustration done for my perspective class.

Eye study done in charcoal and conte crayon.

Portrait done in oil.

Portrait done in oil.


  1. Hey Rachel, you suck and are awesome. I really like the image of the pair on the bike. It reminds me of Joshua Gabriel Timbrook's ink drawings from the old Vampire: The Masquerade RPG books. Have you ever checked him out?

    Again, suck and awesome.

    - Steph's Alex

  2. Haha thanks! I'm glad my art work can evoke some emotion, whether I suck or am awesome! ^_^
    I love the zombie apocalyptic bike scene. I'm planning on doing a full digital painting of that when I have the time. (yes I am ambitious) And I actually have checked out the Vampire: The Masquerade books. But years ago, so I hardly remember any of it...I should add that to my slowly growing art book collection!
